Andrew McIntosh - Photography is passion rather than a job and I think that reflects in my work. I don't rely on photography for an income meaning I don't have pressure to get the shot or take a job that I don't think will be enjoyable or not produce stunning results.

Raised in the shaky isles of New Zealand I reside in Manly in Sydney but spend a great deal of time travelling so you will see images from many spots around the globe.

50 years young and trying to get younger by the day I still love adventure based photography. wether that be underwater in a freezing gin clear river of a New Zealand river, on top of a mountain peak or about to be dumped on by a set of waves I love a challenge.

I hope you enjoy some of the imagery on this site, I have sure had a lot of fun taken these shots.


TOURISM - Tourism and travel work is something I do a lot of and enjoy immensely. I have provided numerous images for Tasmania Tourism, South Australia Tourism, New Zealand Tourism along with many commercial companies such as Hertz, Maui. Kangaroo Beach Lodges, Smart Boating charters  amongst many others. I travel regularly around the globe so if you have a project in mind feel free to get in touch.

SURF - My surf photography is probably my passion, thanks to a water housing, big lungs and a good set of fins, I like getting amongst the impact zone.

PEOPLE - If you want a head and shoulders studio portrait of you or the family then I regret I am probably not you guy. I like to capture people when they are at ease and in an environment they love. Relaxed candid images that to me just seem more authentic. If you interested in capturing some images of you and or your family lets have a chat.

LANDSCAPES - Mmm special places, special memories. I love landscape photography, especially when it involves water. Water often gives an image a little more mystery and warmth. Perhaps its you farm, the spot you proposed, where you grew up. If you have an special area you would like to remember I would love to try and capture its meaning and those memories. I can provide printing of all shots in almost any format, from large prints on professional photographic paper, frames and ready to hand or perhaps an canvas or screen saver for your computer or cellphone. 

Drop me a note via the contact page I will get in touch. If it take a day or two to reply, fear not I may be somewhere remote :>)

SPORT - I love a moving target, freeze it, capture the movement its a lot of fun. I even should kids sport and love a challenge.


Commercial Work - My standard rates are $2,500 per day for commercial shoots and this varies depending on equipment required, location and styling. Give me a call with your wish list and I can put a quote together.


Humans - Family and individual photography starts at around $350 and normally involves 1-2 hours at a site and includes post production of images.